Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1べる  (たべる)
(v1,vt) to eat
2  (たしょく)
(n,vs) one who generally eats a lot
3立ち  (たちぐい)
(n,vs) eating while standing
4べ掛け  (たべかけ)
(n) half-eaten
5べ滓  (たべかす)
(n) leavings of a meal
6べ方  (たべかた)
(n) way of eating
7べ頃  (たべごろ)
(n,adj-no) good for eating
8べごろ  (たべごろ)
(n,adj-no) good for eating
9べ過ぎ  (たべすぎ)
(n) overeating
10べ物  (たべもの)
(n) food
11い倒す  (くいたおす)
(v5s,vt) to bilk
12  (しょくたく)
(n) dining table
13  (たいしょく)
(n) corrosion-resistant
14  (たいしょく)
(n,vs) gluttony
15べ歩き  (たべあるき)
(n) trying the food at various restaurants
16べ歩く  (たべあるく)
(v5k,vi) (col) to try out the food at various restaurants (lit: to eat and walk)
17べ盛り  (たべざかり)
(n) growing child's hearty appetite
18べ過ぎる  (たべすぎる)
(v1,vt) to overeat
19べ散らす  (たべちらす)
(v5s) to eat a bit of everything
20べ尽くす  (たべつくす)
(v5s) to eat up
21べつける  (たべつける)
(v1,vt) to be used to eating
22べ付ける  (たべつける)
(v1,vt) to be used to eating
23べ難い  (たべにくい)
(n) difficult to eat
24べ残し  (たべのこし)
(n) leftover food (esp. on one's plate at the end of a meal)
25べ残す  (たべのこす)
(v5s,vt) to leave a dish half-eaten
26べ物屋  (たべものや)
(n) eating place
27べ汚す  (たべよごす)
(v5s,vt) to eat messily
28い足りない  (くいたりない)
(adj) not eating enough
29あたり  (しょくあたり)
(n) food poisoning
30中り  (しょくあたり)
(n) food poisoning
31を断つ  (しょくをたつ)
(exp) to fast
32べ切れない  (たべきれない)
(exp) more than one can eat
33べず嫌い  (たべずぎらい)
(adj-na,n) disliking without even tasting
34べ始める  (たべはじめる)
(v1) to start eating
35べ放題  (たべほうだい)
(exp) all-you-can-eat
36生でべる  (なまでたべる)
(exp) to eat raw (fresh)
37人をった  (ひとをくった)
(exp,adj) arrogant
38がんがんべる  (がんがんたべる)
(exp) (sl) to pig out
39卓塩  (しょくたくえん)
(n) table salt
40調  (たいしきちょう)
(n) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on E
41調  (たいしきちょう)
(n) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on E
42  (たいしょくかん)
(n) great eater
43調  (たいじきちょう)
(n) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on E
44調  (たいじきちょう)
(n) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on E
45一口べる  (ひとくちたべる)
(v1) to eat a mouthful
46ぼりぼりべる  (ぼりぼりたべる)
(v1) to eat with a munching or crunching sound
47ガンガンべる  (ガンガンたべる)
(exp) (sl) to pig out
48妻帯  (にくじきさいたい)
(n,vs) meat and matrimony (Buddhism)
49無芸大  (むげいたいしょく)
(n) lacking the talent to do anything but eat
50肉解体  (しょくにくかいたい)
(n) butchery
51欲減退  (しょくよくげんたい)
(n) decrease in appetite
52細胞  (たいしょくさいぼう)
(n) macrophage
53べ物を控える  (たべものをひかえる)
(exp) to be temperate in eating
54肩透かしをわせる  (かたすかしをくわせる)
(exp) to dodge
55がらくた  (がらくたしょくりょう)
(n) (obsc) junk food
56大衆  (たいしゅうしょくどう)
(n) cheap restaurant
57魚を丸ごとべる  (さかなをまるごとたべる)
(exp) to eat a fish whole
58う虫も好き好き  (たでくうむしもすきずき)
(exp) there's no accounting for taste
59足りて礼節を知る  (いしょくたりてれいせつをしる)
(exp) the poor can't afford manners
60絶対菜主義者  (ぜったいさいしょくしゅぎしゃ)
(n) vegan
61働かざる者うべからず  (はたらかざるものくうべからず)
(exp) if man will not work, he shall not eat
62働かざるものうべからず  (はたらかざるものくうべからず)
(exp) if man will not work, he shall not eat

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