Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (しば)
(n) lawn
2  (しばい)
(n) play
3  (しばち)
(n) grass plot
4  (しばふ)
(n) lawn
5  (れいし)
(n) bracket fungus
6居気  (しばいぎ)
(n) theatrical
7居気  (しばいげ)
(n) theatrical
8海老  (しばえび)
(n) shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
9えび  (しばえび)
(n) shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
10刈り  (しばかり)
(n) lawn mowing
11  (しばかり)
(n) lawn mowing
12  (しばくさ)
(n) lawn
13エビ  (しばエビ)
(n) shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
14  (とうしば)
(n) Toshiba (company)
15  (ひらしば)
(n) sod
16  (かみしばい)
(n) picture story show
17  (さるしばい)
(n) monkey show
18居小屋  (しばいごや)
(n) playhouse
19刈り機  (しばかりき)
(n) lawnmower
20  (しばざくら)
(n) moss phlox
21  (とぎしばい)
(n) fairy play
22  (ひとしばい)
(n) trick
23  (むらしばい)
(n) play put on in a village
24田舎  (いなかしばい)
(n) provincial theatrical performance
25戯け  (おどけしばい)
(n) comedy
26高麗  (こうらいしば)
(n) Korean lawn grass
27居の筋  (しばいのすじ)
(n) plot of a play
28居を打つ  (しばいをうつ)
(exp) to play a trick
29人工  (じんこうしば)
(n) artificial grass (lawn)
30道化  (どうけしばい)
(n) farce
31一人  (ひとりしばい)
(n,vs) one man show
32独り  (ひとりしばい)
(n,vs) one man show
33操り  (あやつりしばい)
(n) puppet show
34居がかった  (しばいがかった)
(exp) affected
35居掛かった  (しばいがかった)
(exp) affected
36居に誘う  (しばいにさそう)
(exp) to invite a person to the theater (theatre)
37素人  (しろうとしばい)
(n) amateur theatricals
38緞帳  (どんちょうしばい)
(n) low-class (Kabuki) theater (play)
39人形  (にんぎょうしばい)
(n) puppet show
40隣の生は青い  (となりのしばふはあおい)
(exp) the grass is always greener on the other side
41となりの生は青い  (となりのしばふはあおい)
(exp) the grass is always greener on the other side

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