Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (じどう)
(n) children
2  (どうが)
(n) pictures drawn by child
3  (わっぱ)
(n) (arch) child
4  (わっぱ)
(n) (arch) child
5  (わらし)
(n) (arch) child
6  (わらし)
(n) (arch) child
7  (わらべ)
(n) (arch) child
8  (わらわ)
(n) (arch) child
9  (がくどう)
(n) school child
10  (じどうが)
(n) pictures drawn by a child
11  (そんどう)
(n) village child
12  (どうがん)
(n) child-faced
13  (どうしん)
(n) child's mind
14  (どうよう)
(n) children's song
15  (ようどう)
(n) little child
16  (わらわべ)
(n) (1) (arch) child
17  (わらんべ)
(n) (arch) child
18  (しゅんどう)
(n) precocious child
19話劇  (どうわげき)
(n) play or production for children
20  (わらべうた)
(n) children's (folk) song
21手当  (じどうてあて)
(n) child-care allowance
22福祉  (じどうふくし)
(n) child welfare
23ポルノ  (じどうポルノ)
(n) child pornography
24話作家  (どうわさっか)
(n) writer of stories for children
25保育  (がくどうほいく)
(n) care of schoolchildren outside of school time
26学齢児  (がくれいじどう)
(n) children of school age
27欠食児  (けっしょくじどう)
(n) schoolchild without lunch
28就学児  (しゅうがくじどう)
(n) school child
29虐待  (じどうぎゃくたい)
(n) child abuse
30心理学  (じどうしんりがく)
(n) child psychology
31売春  (じどうばいしゅん)
(n) child prostitution
32三尺の  (さんじゃくのどうじ)
(n) mere child
33相談所  (じどうそうだんじょ)
(n) child consultation center
34未就学児  (みしゅうがくじどう)
(n) preschool child
35心理学者  (じどうしんりがくしゃ)
(n) child psychologist

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