Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (ひ)
(n,n-suf) (1) ratio
2  (とひ)
(n,vs) migration to the Philippines
3  (ひか)
(n) parity
4  (ひゆ)
(n) allegory
5  (ひゆ)
(n) simile
6  (むひ)
(adj-na,n,adj-no) peerless
7  (せいひ)
(n) direct ratio
8  (せいひ)
(n) sex ratio
9  (たいひ)
(n,vs) contrast
10  (とうひ)
(n) equal ratio
11  (にちひ)
(n) Japan and the Philippines
12  (ひかく)
(n,vs) comparison
13  (ひけん)
(n,vs) rank equal with
14する  (ひする)
(vs-s) to compare
15  (ひとう)
(n) the Philippines
16  (ひにち)
(n) the Philippines and Japan
17  (ひねつ)
(n) specific heat
18  (ひよく)
(n) wings abreast
19目魚  (ひらめ)
(n) (1) (uk) flounder (esp. the large-tooth flounders of family Paralichthyidae, but also lefteye flounders of family Bothidae)
20  (ひりつ)
(n) ratio
21  (ひりん)
(n) nearby
22  (ひりん)
(n) peer
23  (ひるい)
(n) parallel
24  (ひれい)
(n,vs) proportion
25  (るいひ)
(n,vs) analogy
26  (ぎゃくひ)
(iK) (n) inverse ratio
27  (ひきょう)
(n) comparison
28  (ひじゅう)
(n) (1) specific gravity
29電荷  (ひでんか)
(n) specific charge
30喩的  (ひゆてき)
(adj-na) figurative
31例区  (ひれいく)
(n) proportionally represented constituency
32間隙  (かんげきひ)
(n) void ratio
33空燃  (くうねんひ)
(n) (abbr) fuel-air ratio
34構成  (こうせいひ)
(n) component (distribution) ratio
35三角  (さんかくひ)
(n) trigonometric ratio
36静圧  (せいあつひ)
(n) static pressure ratio
37整数  (せいすうひ)
(n) (expressed as) the ratios of whole numbers
38  (せいひれい)
(n,vs) direct proportion
39千分  (せんぶんひ)
(n) rate per thousand
40前年  (ぜんねんひ)
(n) year on year
41縦横  (たてよこひ)
(n) aspect ratio
42男女  (だんじょひ)
(n) sex ratio
43  (ていひれい)
(n) fixed proportion
44天下無  (てんかむひ)
(n) peerless
45当社  (とうしゃひ)
(n) compared to our company's products (a phrase often used in advertising when comparing old and new products)
46叡山  (ひえいざん)
(n) Mt. Hiei (in Kyoto)
47較的  (ひかくてき)
(adj-na,adv) comparatively
48翼塚  (ひよくづか)
(n) double grave of lovers who died together
49目魚筋  (ひらめきん)
(n) soleus muscle
50例式  (ひれいしき)
(n) proportional expression
51例税  (ひれいぜい)
(n) proportional tax
52を見ない  (ひをみない)
(adj) be unique (unrivaled, unrivalled)
53  (ふくひれい)
(n) compound proportion
54揚抗  (ようこうひ)
(n) lift-drag ratio
55容積  (ようせきひ)
(n) volume ratio
56過圧密  (かあつみつひ)
(n) overconsolidation ratio
57頑健無  (がんけんむひ)
(n,adj-na) being of very robust health
58  (ぎゃくひれい)
(n,vs) (being in) inverse proportion to
59剛勇無  (ごうゆうむひ)
(n,adj-no) unparalleled for valor
60資本  (しほんひりつ)
(n) capital ratio
61縦横  (じゅうおうひ)
(n) aspect ratio
62正確無  (せいかくむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unmatched (unparalleled) accuracy
63痛快無  (つうかいむひ)
(adj-na,n,adj-no) very thrilling
64当代無  (どうだいむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) being unsurpassed (unparalleled) at present
65較級  (ひかくきゅう)
(n) comparative degree
66較文化  (ひかくぶんか)
(n,adj-no) cross-cultural
67重計  (ひじゅうけい)
(n) densimeter
68百分  (ひゃくぶんひ)
(n) percentage
69翼の鳥  (ひよくのとり)
(n) happily married couple
70翼連理  (ひよくれんり)
(n) marital vows
71類のない  (ひるいのない)
(adj) peerless
72を求める  (ひをもとめる)
(exp) to obtain the ratio
73負債  (ふさいひりつ)
(n) debt ratio
74唯一無  (ゆいいつむひ)
(n,adj-no) one and only
75勇敢無  (ゆうかんむひ)
(n) being unmatched (unparalleled) for bravery
76雄大無  (ゆうだいむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) unparalleled grandeur
77勇猛無  (ゆうもうむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) most brave
78合併  (がっぺいひりつ)
(n) merger ratio
79対前年  (たいぜんねんひ)
(n) relative change from last year
80天涯  (てんがいひりん)
(exp) a great distance does not detract from the feeling (relationship) of endearment
81数列  (とうひすうれつ)
(n) geometric progression
82較文学  (ひかくぶんがく)
(n) comparative literature
83剽悍無  (ひょうかんむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) as fierce and nimble as any
84例配分  (ひれいはいぶん)
(n) proportional distribution
85強力無  (きょうりょくむひ)
(n,adj-na,adj-no) being the strongest
86自己資本  (じこしほんひりつ)
(n) capital adequacy ratio
87直接  (ちょくせつひかく)
(n) direct comparison
88直間  (ちょっかんひりつ)
(n) ratio of direct to indirect taxes
89級数  (とうひきゅうすう)
(n) geometric series
90較言語学  (ひかくげんごがく)
(n) comparative linguistics
91較対照  (ひかくたいしょう)
(n,vs) comparison and contrast
92較的小  (ひかくてきしょう)
(n) relatively small
93例中項  (ひれいちゅうこう)
(n) mean proportional (i.e. geometric mean)
94要素率理論  (ようそひりつりろん)
(n) factor proportions theory (of international trade)
95例の法則  (ていひれいのほうそく)
(n) law of definite proportions
96例代表制  (ひれいだいひょうせい)
(n) proportional representation
97倍数例の法則  (ばいすうひれいのほうそく)
(n) law of multiple proportions
98名簿式例代表制  (めいぼしきひれいだいひょうせい)
(n) proportional representation system in which votes are cast for a publicly available list of party members or for individual members of that list
99拘束名簿式例代表制  (こうそくめいぼしきひれいだいひょうせい)
(n) proportional representation electoral system (n which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)
100非拘束名簿式例代表制  (ひこうそくめいぼしきひれいだいひょうせい)
(n) proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained

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