Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (おうか)
(n) cherry blossom
2  (さくら)
(n) (1) cherry blossom
3  (おうとう)
(n) (edible) cherry
4  (かんおう)
(n) cherry blossom viewing
5  (さくらゆ)
(n) drink made of boiled water poured over preserved cherry leaves and blossoms
6  (はざくら)
(n) cherry tree in leaf
7  (よざくら)
(n) cherry trees at evening
8  (あだざくら)
(n) ephemeral (easily scattered) cherry blossom
9  (いとざくら)
(n) droopy-branch cherry tree
10  (かばざくら)
(n) (1) (uk) ornamental variety of double weeping rosebud cherry
11  (かばざくら)
(n) (1) (uk) ornamental variety of double weeping rosebud cherry
12  (さくらいろ)
(n) cherry blossom (colour, color)
13狩り  (さくらがり)
(n) looking for or at cherry blossoms
14漬け  (さくらづけ)
(n) pickled cherry blossoms
15の木  (さくらのき)
(n) cherry tree
16  (さくらばな)
(n) cherry blossom
17  (さくらもち)
(n) rice cake with bean paste wrapped in a preserved cherry leaf
18んぼ  (さくらんぼ)
(n) (edible) cherry
19  (さとざくら)
(n) any oriental variety of cherry tree descended from the Oshima
20富士  (ふじざくら)
(n) Fuji cherry (Prunus incisa)
21  (まめざくら)
(n) (uk) Fuji cherry (Prunus incisa)
22  (みねざくら)
(n) (uk) Japanese alpine cherry (Prunus nipponica)
23  (みねざくら)
(n) (uk) Japanese alpine cherry (Prunus nipponica)
24八重  (やえざくら)
(n) double-flowered cherry tree
25  (やまざくら)
(n) mountain cherry
26  (かすみざくら)
(n) Korean hill cherry
27  (かにわざくら)
(n) (1) any cherry tree with birch-like bark
28  (かにわざくら)
(n) (1) any cherry tree with birch-like bark
29  (かんおうかい)
(n) cherry blossom viewing party
30祭り  (さくらまつり)
(n) cherry blossom festival
31  (さくらまつり)
(n) cherry blossom festival
32ん坊  (さくらんぼう)
(n) (edible) cherry
33んぼう  (さくらんぼう)
(n) (edible) cherry
34  (さくらんぼう)
(n) (edible) cherry
35枝垂れ  (しだれざくら)
(n) weeping cherry
36枝垂  (しだれざくら)
(n) weeping cherry
37高嶺  (たかねざくら)
(n) (uk) (obsc) Japanese alpine cherry (Prunus nipponica)
38彼岸  (ひがんざくら)
(n) (1) (uk) higan cherry (species of weeping cherry tree, Prunus subhirtella)
39一重  (ひとえざくら)
(n) cherry tree bearing single blossoms
40牡丹  (ぼたんざくら)
(n) any oriental variety of cherry tree descended from the Oshima
41深山  (みやまざくら)
(n) (1) Miyama cherry (Prunus maximowiczii)
42上溝  (うわみずざくら)
(n) (uk) Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
43上不見  (うわみずざくら)
(n) (uk) Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
44上溝  (うわみぞざくら)
(n) (uk) Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
45蝦夷山  (えぞやまざくら)
(n) sargent cherry
46花爛漫  (おうからんまん)
(n) riot of cherry blossoms
47大島  (おおしまざくら)
(n) (uk) Oshima cherry (Prunus speciosa)
48金剛  (こんごうざくら)
(n) (obsc) Japanese bird cherry (Prunus grayana)
49前線  (さくらぜんせん)
(n) cherry blossom front
50丁字  (ちょうじざくら)
(n) (uk) clove cherry (Prunus apetala)

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