Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (くる)
(vk) to come
2る日  (くるひ)
(n) the coming days
3難い  (きにくい)
(n) difficult to come
4る年  (くるとし)
(n) the coming year
5  (はくらい)
(n,adj-no) imported
6見に  (みにくる)
(exp,vk) to come and see (someone, something)
7  (らいかく)
(n) visitor
8  (らいたく)
(n,vs) coming of a visitor to one's home
9  (らいふく)
(n) return
10行って  (いってくる)
(vk) (1) I'm off
11いって  (いってくる)
(vk) (1) I'm off
12付いて  (ついてくる)
(vk) (uk) to follow
13連れて  (つれてくる)
(vk) to bring someone along
14取って  (とってくる)
(vk) to fetch
15ぴんと  (ぴんとくる)
(vk) to get (a joke or explanation)
16  (みらいがく)
(n) futurology
17持って  (もってくる)
(vk) to bring
18やって  (やってくる)
(vk) to come along
19よく出  (よくできた)
(adj-pn) well-balanced
20  (らいきゃく)
(n) visitor
21  (らいちゃく)
(n,vs) arrival
22カッと  (カッとくる)
(vk) (uk) to be made angry
23頭に  (あたまにくる)
(exp) to get mad
24帰って  (かえってくる)
(vk) to return
25昨年  (さくねんらい)
(n-adv) since last year
26  (はくらいひん)
(n) imported article
27迎えに  (むかえにくる)
(exp) to call for somebody
28戻って  (もどってくる)
(vk) to come back
29ジーンと  (ジーンとくる)
(exp) to be moved to the point of tears
30時刻到  (じこくとうらい)
(exp) The time has come (for, to, when...)
31向こうから  (むこうからくる)
(vk) to come from the opposite direction
32薬師如  (やくしにょらい)
(n) Buddha able to cure all ills
33客筋  (らいきゃくすじ)
(n) customers
34一陽  (いちようらいふく)
(n) return of spring
35一陽  (いちようらいふく)
(n) return of spring
36開闢以  (かいびゃくいらい)
(n-t) since the creation (of the world)
37る日もる日も  (くるひもくるひも)
(n) every day
38千客万  (せんかくばんらい)
(n) flood of customers
39そうなくっちゃ  (そうこなくっちゃ)
(exp) (col) I thought so
40るだけ早く  (できるだけはやく)
(exp) as soon as possible
41千客万  (せんきゃくばんらい)
(n) flood of customers
42中国伝  (ちゅうごくでんらい)
(adj-no) imported (transmitted) from China
43付けが回って  (つけがまわってくる)
(exp,vk) the bill will come due (expression used to imply that someone will eventually have to pay the price for their misdeeds)
44の面目  (ほんらいのめんぼく)
(exp) (Buddh) one's true nature (lit: one's original face)
45相当語句  (みらいそうとうごく)
(n) future equivalent
46胸にジーンと  (むねにジーンとくる)
(exp) to have one's heart touched (by something very moving)
47ツケが回って  (ツケがまわってくる)
(exp,vk) the bill will come due (expression used to imply that someone will eventually have to pay the price for their misdeeds)
48電話が掛かって  (でんわがかかってくる)
(exp) to get a phone call
49客攻めに会う  (らいきゃくぜめにあう)
(exp) to be besieged with visitors
50募ってる食欲  (つのってくるしょくよく)
(n) rising appetite
51客芳名録  (らいきゃくほうめいろく)
(n) guest book
52鴨がねぎを背負って  (かもがねぎをしょってくる)
(exp) Along comes a sucker just begging to be parted from his money
53国の将を計る  (くにのしょうらいをはかる)
(exp) to plan (provide) for the future of the country
54笑う門には福  (わらうかどにはふくきたる)
(exp) good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile
55国の将を憂える  (くにのしょうらいをうれえる)
(exp) to be anxious about the future of one's country

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