Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (きど)
(n) rare earth
2  (きど)
(oK) (n) rare earth
3  (つち)
(n) earth
4  (どき)
(n) (1) earthenware
5  (おうど)
(n) earth
6  (かいど)
(n) lump of earth
7  (こうど)
(n) earth
8  (そっと)
(n) face of the earth
9  (どかい)
(n) lump of earth
10  (どかん)
(n) earthen pipe
11  (どがま)
(n) earthen kiln
12  (どがま)
(n) earthen rice cooker
13  (どぐう)
(n) earthen (clay) figure
14  (どこう)
(n) (sens) earthwork(s)
15  (どこう)
(n) (col) (obsc) earthwork(s)
16  (どしゃ)
(n) earth and sand
17  (どじん)
(n) earthgod
18  (どせき)
(n) earth and stones
19  (どぞう)
(n) storehouse with thick (earthen) walls
20  (どなべ)
(n) earthenware pot
21  (どばし)
(n) an earthen bridge
22  (どびん)
(n) earthenware teapot
23  (どるい)
(n) earthen walls (of fortification)
24  (どれい)
(n) earthenware (ceramic) bell
25  (ふんど)
(n) poor or filthy earth
26置き  (おきつち)
(n) earth taken from elsewhere and placed atop
27  (かわらけ)
(n) (1) earthenware
28  (きどるい)
(n) rare earth (chem)
29  (しょうど)
(n) scorched earth
30  (つちいろ)
(n) earth (color, colour)
31  (つちがみ)
(n) earthgod
32  (つちくれ)
(n) lump of earth
33  (つちへん)
(n) kanji "earth" radical at left
34焼き  (つちやき)
(n) unglazed earthenware
35寄せ  (つちよせ)
(n,vs) piling up or covering with earth
36  (どちゅう)
(n) (in the) earth
37  (はいつち)
(n) ashes and earth
38臭い  (つちくさい)
(adj) smelling of earth
39気色  (つちけいろ)
(n) earth (color, colour)
40瓶蒸  (どびんむし)
(n) food steam-boiled in an earthenware teapot
41瓶蒸し  (どびんむし)
(n) food steam-boiled in an earthenware teapot
42石流  (どせきりゅう)
(n) avalanche of earth and rocks
43類元素  (きどるいげんそ)
(n) rare earth elements
44を固める  (つちをかためる)
(exp) to harden earth into a mass
45を被せる  (つちをかぶせる)
(exp) to cover with earth
46類金属  (どるいきんぞく)
(n) earth metal
47軟らかな  (やわらかなつち)
(n) soft earth
48戦術  (しょうどせんじゅつ)
(n) scorched-earth strategy (tactics)
49静止圧係数  (せいしどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of earth pressure at rest
50主働圧係数  (しゅどうどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of active earth pressure
51受働圧係数  (じゅどうどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of passive earth pressure
52アルカリ類金属  (アルカリどるいきんぞく)
(n) alkali earth metal

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